Made by Queen004l and TurtlezTurtle
I broke up with wiz because I felt the need of freedom! Being married is tough and stressful! So then I went offline and an hour later wiz has a girlfriend -.-  I relize I made a mistake so I tryed getting him back!!  He totally rejected me! I felt so bad! I felt like quiting but i didn't. Then friends to the resque!!!!! Lynn7721 and Veronicathorn (besties) helped me out by having a girls night out! I felt way better after that. You can count on true friends :D Oh so I basicly threw my love life out the window of the empire state building! Anyway, currently on the market...

Ok so, as some of you know on woozworld I am married to a lucky guy named Wizoru! Some of you may know him as the famous game show maker but, I know him as Wizzy bear my husband C: Please stop asking if I am single or if i want to date secretly because, Wiz and I are head strong :) We will never split! If I was to break up or go behind wiz's back I might as well lost my mind! Anyway, wiz and I have been together for a long time! Don't rush into relationships people, get to know him then ask him out on a couple dates :) After he'll be calling you his "girlfriend"! If you still say your both friends just tell him that your still friends :) Soon enough he will purpose, if you really love him say yes!! Anyway, QUEENY OUT!!!!!!!
This blog is to tell all you new woozens how awesome woozworld is! I'll keep posting on how interesting my days on woozworld are and to keep you guys updated on my adventures in woozworld! Until my first blog, cya!

    Mini Auto Bio :)

    I'm Queen. I'm from woozworld. I love Gymnastics :)

